About us
It all started with a raincoat, or rather, the lack of one.
Danefæ was founded when 4 childhood friends got tired of the bike ride to work with a raincoat that was far more practical than beautiful.
Danefae's mission was clear from the start:
We wanted to make quality products, pay homage to Scandinavian design history and add some color to daily life around town. We wanted to "Make practical beautiful", and to embrace the whimsical Nordic weather patterns with colorful and functional designs.
Since then, the collections have grown larger and larger, but we still have the same mission.
Our outerwear is designed according to skiwear principles with technical membrane systems and taped seams that keep wind and rain out, but allow your body to breathe.
In parallel, our outerwear is designed for a city, country, forest, mountain, or beach life guided by our love of fresh air, simplicity, style, mobility and a vivid color palette.
We always consider production and consumption carefully. We believe in sustainability through a confrontation of the disposable "fast fashion" culture. Danefae outerwear is built for the long haul.
We work with manufacturers that are all BSCI certified and in addition either Oeko-tex, Swan label, or GOTS certified. Our colorful and durable products, in addition to current European and Danish legislation, follow a very special Danefæ regulatory framework for the use of chemistry, ensuring durability and guaranteeing beauty even after many years of use.
Our wind and waterproof outerwear is designed and manufactured without fluorocarbons.
All weather is good weather when you have Danefæ on!
Christine, Eric, Nina and Louise

Alt vejr er fint vejr, når du har Danefæ på!
Louise, Nina, Christine og Eric

Quality with care
Danefæ works based on the principles of the UN Global Contract and our basic value of "Quality with Care" specifically focusing on:
- Products with care
- Production with care
- Consumption with care
- Care for the workplace
- Consideration for children's lives
- Products with Care
Room to play
We make soft, practical and functional clothes that provide space for activity and play in and out for both big and small. We believe that that kids should be allowed to be kids! Therefore, we focus on:
Our products last season after season or child after child, after child - and for lots of wear and tear, which both benefits the end user economically, but also society in general from as clothes that serve longer, means less consumption and less waste.
The most important thing for us is that our products are safe and can not in any way constitute a security risk to our customers.
No harmful substances
We go out of our way to avoid harmful substances in our products and test each new manufacturer, material and technique (eg print) to ensure compliance. We make strict demands on our manufacturers and regularly review these requirements in cooperation with the Danish Technological Institute (www.dti.dk) and the international agency SGS (www.sgs.com).
We continue to ensure Products with Care by regularly conducting sample checks and tests of quality, durability and chemistry. We strive to provide as thorough and accurate documentation to our customers about the products and their functionality as possible.
Consideration for the environment
We select suppliers with due regard for their environmental impact and we enter into contracts with them, according to which the supplier agrees to comply with our Code of Conduct and of course national as well as international regulations in the field, and to organize production so that it causes as little harm to the environment as possible. Our Code of Conduct is based on the principles of the Global Contract. Obviously, we demand that all our suppliers comply with EU chemicals legislation REACH, which governs the use of chemicals and ensures that chemicals are used properly and with minimal risk to health and the environment.
Consideration for rights
No illegal child labor.
We do not accept any illegal child labor in the production of our clothes, and our suppliers agree not to use illegal child labor in the production of our clothes in our contract with them. However, the theme of child labor is not only black and white. In many countries, children's income through legal work is crucial for the whole family's maintenance. It is therefore important not to deny that children can work in places with proper conditions and in a controlled amount. Rejecting all child labor can have completely insurmountable consequences for both the children and their families, as the children then have to search for work in far more dangerous and uncontrolled areas. We therefore support children's work in smaller and undeclared areas, to a limited and legal extent, which does not prevent children's opportunities for schooling and education.
Consideration for employee rights
We select manufacturers with due care for their working environment and in our contracts with the manufacturer, they undertake to comply with national and international rules in this area, including respecting human rights and having proper working conditions.
We ensure compliance with environmental and human rights through regular visits of our production sites to ensure both quality and proper conditions. The majority of our production is also carried out by producers whose relationships are long-term, whereby mutual respect, dialogue, and openness are paramount - and problems are more easily overcome.
Consumption with care
Danefæ's products have a quality that can handle a lot of activity, play, wash and wear - and it also means that they can be inherited and recycled from child to child, or season after season - and in that we can help to reduce a use-and-throw-away culture .
Partnership and dialogue with our retailers for mutual development
We wish to enter into cooperation and partnership with our retailers to find ways in which both our distributors and Danefæ can positively develop sales and communication focusing on our values and CSR policies to our end users.
Dialogue with end users
We aim to build on our family spirit in our direct communication with end-users - and create commitment and awareness of our joint efforts to achieve the best results within our values of Quality with Care and Room to Play.
We want to communicate and cooperate with our end users about how products get as much a life as possible, and with the least environmental impact, including thorough information on appropriate handling of the products in relation to laundry as well as through reference to facebook groups for resale of Danefæ products to encourage recycling of our products.
Models and Diversity
We are aware that in our choice of models for our presentation materials we communicate values and we want to emphasize diversity and "play space" using a wide range of natural models that reflect the diversity in our society.
Care for the workplace (employee relations, etc.)
Danefæ is a small company with a familiar tone added to humor and respect. We take pride in ensuring that all relevant employees / areas are heard in matters that involve them and that there is easy, accessible and good communication across all levels of the organization. We believe that we all share a part of each other's lives - and it is therefore important for mutual respect for each other and for each other's work across the organization. We believe that everyone in the organization has a shared responsibility for the creation and maintenance good working environment, and it is therefore important that there is a willingness for dialogue and cooperation between everyone at Danefæ.
Involving and challenging work
We offer involved and challenging work, with freedom under responsibility, which helps to develop the individual's professionalism and insight.
Work environment
We want a comfortable and safe working environment for our employees and therefore, in cooperation with an external authorized occupational health and safety counselor, have prepared a report on the working environment and initiated measures to ensure that the workplace remains a pleasant and safe place to be.
Work-Life balance
We wish to keep our employees happy and with space for family and leisure life, and we therefore support extra work in busy periods as long as it suits both the employee and the work.In order to ensure that our employees continue to feel challenged and comfortable at work, we have annual employee and salary conversations where these items are reviewed. To ensure that we have an up to date working environment that takes into account all current rules and wishes, we have established a work environment organization with representatives of management and employees, as well as the workplace being reviewed by an external authorized occupational health and safety counselor and kept up to date based on his advice.
Quality, not quantity
At Danefæ, our take on sustainable fashion means not only using quality materials and responsible manufacturing to make the best possible product that lasts well beyond the
current trend cycle, but also producing as little excess stock as possible.
In practical terms this means:
-Never increasing our order quantity to get lower prices per-unit.
-Never sending old goods to be destroyed.
-Always striving to find a good home for every garment we produce :-)
Sponsorship of orphanages
We are an ongoing supporter of the organization DinNødhjælp, which runs a orphanage in Nigeria for children displaced from their families and villages due to accusations of witchcraft. In general, DinNødhjælp will be our primary partner for support projects under the heading "Care for child life". Read more about the organization and the orphanage at www.dinnoedhjaelp.dk.
Donation of clothes
We regularly donate clothes to orphanages in different places, primarily in Africa.
We collect money for organizations focusing on children's life in connection with special events such as stock sales, etc.
Care for animals
Danefae is a business sponsor of the WWF Fund for Nature